
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Crystal Palace ‘Park Life’: What Animals Can You Spot?

A recent visit to Crystal Palace Park, at Sydenham, reveals some rather unexpected animals…

When most people think of Crystal Palace Park, the iconic images of the dinosaur statues looming over visitors are conjured in the mind. But, part of the Park experience is the living animals too.  Although they might seem somewhat out of place in these essentially prehistoric scenes, they help to breathe life into the Park — a sense of animation — and provide us with an extra sense of scale to help us marvel at the antediluvian stars. 



Above: a duck swimming casually by the marine reptile statues at Crystal Palace Park.


I have visited the Park many times, and I am accustomed with mallard ducks, geese and coots, casually swimming by (irreverent to the prehistoric marine reptiles, seemingly frozen in time, next to them) or pigeons cheekily dropping into picnics and unsuspecting visitors.  The chatter of goldfinches, great tits and robins (albeit with the occasional cry of a child) form the ambience.  But during a recent visit, I came across some rather unexpected inhabitants…

Lazily perched across a large branch, was a series of five terrapins.  One behind the other, all with their right foot stretched backwards (like they were following a choreographed dance routine in a show).  They were clearly enjoying basking in the sun — and why not, it was a beautiful day.



Above: terrapins at Crystal Palace Park basking lazily in the midday sunshine..why not?


Separated from the terrapins by an expanse of water, I could only zoom in so far with my optical lens.   So identifying them was tricky.  But squinting through the glimmering sun, I could just about make out the bright red and yellow markings adorning their faces.  I surmised that they were probably red-eared terrapins (Trachemys scripta elegans).  But what are they doing at Crystal Palace Park?

According to a post by the Guardian (2011), thousands of the species were let loose in UK waterways after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles craze faded away.  Yes, they were sadly bought as pets, no longer loved and then dumped…why people do this I really don't know.

… But at least these have survived and are currently enjoying the UK summer of 2014.  Actually, due to these types of pet releases, these terrapins have become an invasive species in many areas of the world. Read more.

So, this summer, when you visit the Park, don't just look at the dinosaur statues — see what other living animals you can observe.  And, if you spot something interesting, then I would be interested to know! 

Reply to or on Twitter, @DrSimonJackson

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Can You Spot the ‘Missing’ Footprints at Crystal Palace Park?

There is a curious note in the Crystal Palace Park guide; Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World1, about a series of footprints, which was installed with the extinct animal models in the Crystal Palace Park, in 1854. However, whereas the dinosaurian behemoths, such as the iconic Megalosaurus and Iguanodon, loom over captive audiences, and are impossible to miss, the footprints are nowhere to be seen....but perhaps we have found a clue…

clip_image002Above: A series of footprints like these (Chirotherium) was supposedly installed in the Park2.

Well, firstly, you might ask, who cares about footprints? In scientific circles today, fossil footprints are considered invaluable tools to unlocking secrets about the way extinct animals moved, behaved and interacted within their environment. They are essentially a window into the past. By the mid-19th century, the study of footprints was an exciting new frontier of palaeontology. Discoveries had recently come to light from Dumfriesshire, Scotland3; Hildburghausen, Germany4; Cheshire and Merseyside5 (UK) and the Connecticut Valley, US6. With so few bones and complete skeletons described worldwide at the time, footprint discoveries represented, in some cases, the only clues of the animals; the only real means by which the intangible past could become tangible; the only way we could make that connection to strange bygone eras and understand the seemingly invisible creatures7.

This Victorian fascination with fossil footprints was reflected in the large number of museum displays at the time; for instance, footprint slabs on display at the, then, British Museum galleries8 (now part of the Natural History Museum collection). Casts of footprint slabs were also available for purchase from Ward's 1866 Catalogue of Casts of Fossils9; there was clearly a demand to display and marvel at these natural curiosities.


Left: Image from Ward's (1866) Catalogue of Casts of Fossils, showing a cast of what is labelled as Chirotherium, on sale for $10.

So it's not surprising then that Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins would include footprints as part of his prehistoric landscape at Crystal Palace Park. Following the "sanction and approval" of the celebrated British anatomist, Richard Owen10, guiding the creative hand of Hawkins, these footprints (then, under the name of Cheirotherium) accompanied their presumed animal creators; three models of Labyrinthodon; essentially giant amphibians which Owen interpreted and described from fragmentary material in Warwickshire11.



Above: The 'Labyrinthodons' are the first animal models which one discovers in the Park, if one works their way through the geological time sequence reconstructed by Hawkins (photograph  taken in 2014).

So, where are the footprints now?  I have spotted what we think may be the only surviving footprint, or pair of footprints12  in a photograph  taken by Professor Joe Cain in 2013.  However, strangely, I have only spotted it in just one photograph, and in numerous other photographs of the same models... well, it's just not there!


Above: Labyrinthodon with footprint, or pair of footprints, highlighted (taken in 2013)



Above: Photograph taken from same angle (2008): where is the footprint?


During a recent visit to the Park, I was still unable to spot the footprints, even using my binoculars and a powerful optical zoom camera (I could not get onto the islands without special permission from Park officials).  Unfortunately, the spot has overgrown with plants, frustratingly obscuring any possible footprints.

It's well known to scientists who study footprints (known as ichnologists) that footprints can be highly elusive to the human eye. The slightest change in lighting, for instance, can unveil or shroud these prehistoric enigmas. This is because they are often of low relief and, paradoxically, if you're staring straight down at could likely miss it.

The secret to spotting footprints, which any ichnologist will tell you, is to look for them when the sun is at a much lower angle, for instance, at daybreak or dusk. Then, get down as low as possible, and look across the surface (bedding plane) to spot the 'newly' emerging footprints.

We do know that our image was taken only in 2013, and no conservation work has been undertaken around the models since then. So it's possible that the footprint has been infilled with loose sediment or dirt. So we need to get out there with a brush....(under the watchful eyes of Rangers of course).

So, if you have had the fortune to visit the fantastic Crystal Palace Park, look at your photographs....  If you spot anything that looks like a footprint then tweet the Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs at @cpdinosaurs or add a post on the Friends’ Facebook page. Or, if you happen to visit the Park again, don't just visit the dinosaurs....give the 'Labyrinthodons' some of your time; start footprint spotting....

"There is no branch of detective science which is so important and so much neglected, as the art of tracing footsteps" — Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet.


(Note: I have posted a virtually identical piece earlier on the Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs website).


References and Notes

1 Owen, R, and Hawkins, B. W. (1854). Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World. Crystal Palace Library. 39 p.

2 From Kaup, J. J. (1835). Das Tierreich 1. Johann Philipp Diehl, Darmstadt: 116 p.

3 Duncan, H (1831) An Account of the Tracks and Footprints of Animals Found Impressed on Sandstone in the Quarry of Corncockle Muir in Dumfriesshire. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,11:194-209.

4 Kaup, J. J. (1835). Mitteilung über Tierfährten von Hildburghausen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, 1835:327–328.

5 Cunningham, J. (1838) An Account of the Footsteps of the Chirotherium and Other Unknown Animals Lately Discovered in the Quarries of Storeton Hill, in the Peninsular of Wirrall between the Mersey and the Dee. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, 3: 12-14.

6 Hitchcock, E. (1836) Ornithichnology-Description of the Footmarks of Birds, (Ornithichnites) On New Red Sandstone in Massachusetts. American Journal of Science, Series 1. 29:307-340.

7 For an example of how footprint evidence may be the only proof of an animal's existence, in the geological record, see Tresise, G. R. (1989) The Invisible Dinosaur. National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside. Eaton Press, Wallasey, Merseyside. 32 p.

8 Mantell, G. A. (1851) Petrifactions and Their Teachings; or, a Handbook to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum. Henry G Bohn, London.

9 Ward, H. A. (1866). Catalogue of Casts of Fossils: From the Principal Museums of Europe and America, with Short Descriptions and Illustrations. Benton & Andrews, printers.

10 Hawkins, B. W. (1854). On Visual Education As Applied to Geology. Journal of the Society of Arts, 2: 444-449.

11 Although Cheirotherium is the correct spelling in Greek for hand beast, Chirotherium (the incorrect spelling) was used first and therefore, under the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, is the valid name, used now. It is now thought that this type of footprint was made by animals more closely related to crocodiles, than to amphibians (see Tresise 1989, above for more details).

12 There is a short note in McCarthy and Gilbert (1994) (full reference below) that one of these footprints still survives.

McCarthy, S. and Gilbert, M. (1994) The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs: The Story of the World's First Prehistoric Sculptures. Crystal Palace Foundation.

Monday, 2 June 2014

What Are Butterflies and How Can I Enjoy and Attract Them?

Their wings with azure, green and purple gloss'd,
Studded with colour'd eyes, with gems embossed,
Inlaid with pearl, and marked with various stains
Of lively crimson through their dusky veins —

Mrs Barbauld
(from Newman 1887)

At some point, most of us have seen a butterfly. Perhaps one has silently fluttered past us in our garden or a park, and we may or may not have paid attention. Many children are at least aware of the complete, almost magical transformation from that worm-like caterpillar, to the magnificent splendour of the fully-winged adult. But if you are reading this blog, and are fascinated by butterflies as much as I am, then you will probably want to know more. 
  • What exactly are butterflies?
  • Where can I see butterflies?
  • How can I attract butterflies to my garden?
are some of the questions this blog answers. This page is predominantly about British and European species, though many of the facts are also applicable to butterflies worldwide.


What Exactly Are Butterflies?

Butterflies are insects, which like all arthropods (also including spiders, scorpions, millipedes, lobsters) have jointed legs and a 'shell' on the outside of the body (an exoskeleton), enclosing the soft parts. Like all insects, butterflies have three major body parts; a head, thorax and abdomen. Like insects, butterflies have three pair of legs, though in some groups the first pair of legs has been reduced so much that they are virtually useless for walking and are only apparent on closer examination.
Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera — Greek for 'scale wings', as their thin membrane wings are covered by loose scales. Actually, only about 12% of this order (Lepidoptera comprising more than 165,000 species) are butterflies, the rest being moths. Butterflies and moths have two pairs of wings, originating from the thorax; 2 forewings, 2 hindwings, which are cut by complex patterns of veins, varying between the different species.

Below: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae), showing characteristic butterfly features discussed

Unlike most moths, butterflies are active during the day, usually only when it is sunny and bright. When butterflies rest, their wings are pressed or folded together in a vertical plane, above the body (abdomen) so that the lower surfaces of the wings are exposed — most moths rest with their wings held flat, concealing the abdomen. Unlike moths, the two antennae end in clubs.

Below: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta), feeding on buddleia, showing resting position with wings closed.

The bright colours and spectacular markings which often adorn butterfly wings are either due to presence of pigments in the wing-scales, or may be due to the way the microscopic structure of the scale interferes with light (the diffraction of incidence light), the latter of which produces the metallic colours of butterflies, as in the group known as the 'blues' (Lycaenidae). Colour may serve several functions: to avoid predation through camouflage (normally visible on the under-surfaces of the wings), for attracting a possible mate (visible on wing upper-surfaces), and may also be used to raise body temperature, as the butterfly basks in the sun.

What is a Butterfly's Life Cycle?

There are four distinct stages in the life-cycle. The life of a butterfly begins with an egg (ovum), laid by an adult female, usually on a specific species of plant.

After a period ranging from a few days to several months, the caterpillar (larva) emerges — a stage which dominates the life-cycle of most species — and it begins to devour the leaves of its surroundings, in order to grow. Eventually, it becomes too big for its own 'skin' and like all insects, needs to undergo the process of shedding its skin (moulting or ecdysis), before continuing to grow. The caterpillar will undergo this process several times (usually five).

Ultimately, the caterpillar will form a chrysalis (pupa), a stage which varies between a few weeks to up to 10 months. This is where complete change (metamorphosis) occurs, and the fully winged adult (imago) emerges, albeit with small and floppy wings. The wings are now expanded and hardened by pumping fluid through their veins — in some species in a matter of minutes — and now the adult is ready for its first flight.

Many species will then seek to find a mate almost as soon as they have emerged, with males following the scent plumes, or pheromones, released by the females. After mating, the process begins all over again, with an egg.

Why are Butterflies Important?

Butterflies are vital components of ecosystems. Caterpillars, as herbivores, recycle nutrients back into the food chain. Adults are also important plant pollinators. Both stages are important food sources for animals higher in the food chain (e.g. birds, other insects).

Butterflies also respond rapidly to changes in the environment, so monitoring populations of butterfly species is a good indication to the overall health of the ecosystem — a decline in butterfly species is an indicator of other wildlife losses.

When Can I See Butterflies?

In Europe, you're most likely to see the adults during their flight period, during the spring and summer, when they have emerged from hibernation to reproduce and feed. And you are most likely to see them on a sunny and warm day.

However, you may be able to see hibernating butterflies during the winter. Butterflies hibernate in different states, though most European species hibernate as larvae. If you're lucky, you may be able to see an adult Peacock (Inachis io) hibernate in hollow spaces, such as oak trees, which they have been known to do in large numbers. Some species such as the Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), cannot survive our cold winters and migrate southwards to North Africa, where they remain until spring.

Below: Peacock (Inachis io) specimen. This species has been known to hibernate in oak trees.


Where Can I See Butterflies and Can I Attract Them?

Perhaps the best way to be guaranteed to see large numbers of butterflies is to visit a dedicated butterfly centre. For example, the Natural History Museum's Sensational Butterfly Exhibition hosts over 50 species of tropical butterflies and moths, among tropical plants, within its vast marquee set on the lawn outside the museum. Another great example of this kind of environment is the Stratford Butterfly Farm, where one can stroll leisurely through an exotic rainforest surrounded by tropical butterflies and splashing waterfalls.

If you want a greater challenge, you can go out into the country to seek butterflies. As certain species prefer different environments, you can be more choosy about which species you want to seek out. For example, the Adonis Blue (Lysandra bellargus) and Chalkhill Blue (Lysandra coridon) butterflies prefer flower-rich grassland on limestone or chalk. Thus walking along a chalk ridge running through the middle of the Isle of Wight is a great place to see these species (and this is one of the many recommended routes suggested by the National Trust).

However, perhaps the most rewarding experience is to proactively attract butterflies to your own garden, so that you can enjoy them at your own leisure. But how do you do this?

Attracting a particular species of butterfly means you need to consider both the caterpillar and adult (winged) stages. Most adult females are particularly choosy about where they lay their eggs, and certain species of plants are selected which will provide the source of food for the ever-growing caterpillars (these may be referred to in books as larval or host foodplants). For instance, Large and Small White butterflies (Pieris brassicae, Pieris rapae) often lay their eggs on leaves of cabbages (Brassica), where their caterpillars emerge. Peacocks (Inachis io) and Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) leave their eggs on nettles (Urtica). The Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) leaves it eggs on either ivy (Hedera) or holly (Ilex). So by growing certain types of plants, you can attract certain species of butterfly caterpillar, which will ultimately develop into its often spectacular adult form.

When the adults emerge, you then want to keep them on site, by providing them with food. Flowers rich in nectar are at the top of their menu... a butterfly uses its set of mouthparts (proboscis) to suck it up. Flowers such as the buddleia (Buddleia), iceplant (Hylotelephium spectabile) are great for attracting large numbers of butterflies, particularly Small Tortoiseshell. Choose a nice sunny spot, ideally protected from the wind.

If you can combine these two factors together, then you stand an excellent chance of attracting certain butterfly species to your garden.

The picture below is from a large buddleia bush in Crewkerne, Somerset, which is near an allotment rich in nettles and other larval foodplants — caterpillar food. Two species can be seen here: a specimen of Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) and a specimen of Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae). I have, however, observed at least five other species feeding on this buddleia, including: Large and Small Whites (Pieris brassicae, Pieris rapae), Peacocks (Inachis io), Red Admiral (Vanessa  Atalanta), Commas (Polygonum c-album).


Can I Identify Butterflies?

When you spot a butterfly in your garden, or in the country, you may like to work out what it is, may be even keeping a record of it in a notebook (with a date and locality).But how can you identify one?

The most striking parts of a butterfly are the colour markings on its wings.These may be eyespots (as in the Peacock) or contrasting bands (as in the Small Tortoiseshell or Red Admiral).These colours are normally most developed on the upper wings, visible during flight, but you will also need to look at the colouration of the lower surfaces of the wings, visible when they are pressed together during feeding — blues (Lycaenidae), for instance, can be best distinguished in this way.

This shape of the wings is also another important feature; for instance, the edge of a Comma is scalloped or jagged, whereas that of the Swallowtail (Papilio machaon britannicus) has characteristic tails protruding from the hindwings.

Size may also be an important feature to distinguish species, though in the field this can sometimes be hard to determine. It's also worth noting that the morphology varies between the different sexes (male, female) within the same species: for instance, in some blues, the upper wings of males are blue, whereas those of females are dark brown.


What Will I Need to Identify Butterflies?

Unless you are an experienced entomologist, you will need a nature guide book, or ideally a dedicated butterfly guide to identify butterflies.Through matching the butterfly to the picture and description in the book you will then be able to identify the butterfly in two ways.Each species of butterfly has a common name, for instance, Large White, which is quite easy to remember.However, it also has a more formal scientific name, which is often a mixture of Greek and Latin (Large White =Pieris brassicae).

For only £3 you can get the "Guide to the Butterflies of Britain", which is a fold out pamphlet with full-size illustrations of butterflies — excellent for identification purposes — with general information about butterflies on the back.

For a bit more (£6) you can get the highly illustrated Pocket Nature Butterflies and Moths which is an excellent introduction to the groups with a picture and summary for every common species. A great feature of this book is that it also shows an image of the caterpillar of each species.

The Collins Butterfly Guide is a much more comprehensive (but more expensive) guide, with similar species listed for Europe, aimed at the more serious butterfly spotter.

Is it Legal to Collect Butterflies?

It is important to note that certain species are protected (in the UK, by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981), and there are certain protected sites such as nature reserves.A licence would be necessary to collect under these conditions. Having said that, it is legal to collect unprotected species of butterfly.However, in this day and age, as our understanding of butterfly conservation and wildlife protection increases, this practice is frowned upon. Collecting can have a detrimental effect on populations of butterflies, with specimens often collected before they have reproduced.For instance, a colony of Large Blues (Maculinea arion) in Northamptonshire never fully recovered after 200 butterflies were collected by one dealer in 1860. Now the Large Blue is protected by law.

Unlike museum and university collections, private collections are usually only accessible to a limited number of people, and therefore often only make a very limited contribution to further our scientific knowledge. (Read more about the legalities of collecting).

With advances in digital photography and video, members of the general public can effectively collect 'virtual specimens' of butterfly, flying and feeding in all their glory, without the need to capture or kill them for identification or collection purposes.

Can I Become Involved in Butterfly Conservation?

If you would like to become more involved with conservation work and species recording, or to take part in evening meetings and talks, then you may like to become involved with the UK charity, Butterfly Conservation. For instance, the 'big butterfly count' is a nationwide survey, launched in 2010 and has become the world's biggest survey of butterflies.


Lewington, R and Bebbington, J.(2005) Second Edition. Guide to the Butterflies of Britain. Field Studies Council Publications, Telford.

Newman (1887) An Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths. Hardwicke and Bogue, London.

Sterry, P. and Mackay, A (2004) Pocket Nature Butterflies and Moths. Dorling Kindersley. London.

Tolman, T and Lewington, R (2009) Collins Butterfly Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain in Europe. Harper Collins