You should only give birds water. Liquids such as milk could kill them.
Although many birds get a certain amount of water from their food (particularly those that feed on insects), many will also need a good guzzle of water. Water also helps birds to keep their flight feathers in good working order and a good wash is invaluable to removing unwanted dirt or parasites which will affect flight performance and general health.
Above: these starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) enjoy a good soak in a bird bath (image courtesy of Paul Brentnall at
Bird baths are the best way of providing birds with water in the garden. Bird baths come in many shapes and sizes but you don't need anything too fancy, with an expensive fountain or anything which will be difficult to maintain. However, I do advise flushing out and replacing the dirty water, every few weeks or so. You may like to replace any ornamental pebbles at the bottom of the bath every few months or so, as green algae tends to build up on them.
Also bear in mind, that bird baths, being nearer the ground than other bird attractors, make visiting birds inherently more vulnerable. So you may like to consider the safest place to put the bird bath in the garden.
Above:this blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) is about to dine on some peanuts; but the bird bath is frozen! (image courtesy of Tina Phillips at
Bear in mind that in the winter, bird baths will freeze. To help birds out, you can add hot water to melt the ice. Also, if you line the bath with a polythene sheet, this will help you to remove the ice easier. However, substances such as antifreeze and salt should not be used, as these are harmful to birds.
In the series:
What do you feed birds?
How do you feed birds?
RSPB advice
If you have already created a ‘bird garden’, you may have some useful tips of your own. Please share them through a comment.
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